Brittany Parrillo Brittany Parrillo

Brahmacharya: the key to more energy and vitality

In Light on Yoga, B.K.S. Iyengar says those who establish brahmacharya “develop a fund of vitality and energy, a courageous mind and a powerful intellect so that one can fight any type of injustice.”

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Brittany Parrillo Brittany Parrillo

The bridge between body and mind: Pranayama 

pranayama isn’t just about breathing in a certain way—it’s about understanding the powerful connection between breath and energy. When practiced mindfully, pranayama can help us harness our life force, clear mental clutter, and transform our overall health and well-being.

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Brittany Parrillo Brittany Parrillo

Yoga for Digestion

Are you experiencing digestive discomfort or have a condition like IBS or Crohn's disease? Yoga can be a gentle and effective way to alleviate symptoms and improve overall digestive health.

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Brittany Parrillo Brittany Parrillo

The Yamas – The first of the eight limbs of Yoga

The five Yamas can be thought of as commandments for morality, and guidelines on how to live a fulfilling life. As the entry into the yogic practice, these disciplines help shape students’ thoughts, words and actions, before moving on to deeper practices.

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Brittany Parrillo Brittany Parrillo

Linking breath to movement - The Sun Salutations

While it requires lots of practice - and grace - the practice of moving with your breath is a powerful one. When we move with our breath, we elevate our awareness and are forced to be present in the moment. This intense focus on our movement leads to all other thoughts melting away. At least for a little while.

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Brittany Parrillo Brittany Parrillo

What to expect in your first yoga class

Each yoga teacher is different, and so is each class. So although we cannot tell you exactly what poses you will move through, here are some common ones you might see. 

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